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If you can’t Zip up, don’t S£X down… by Charles Awuzie

Charles Awuzie gave his opinion on the controversy surrounding TB JOSHUA DOCUMENTARY BY BBC

After watching the TB Joshua Documentary by BBC, I’ll say that the message of that documentary is for me and you, not for TB Joshua because he’s gone forever.

By now, you know that I don’t discuss trending news to analyse or criticize but TO INTROSPECT and make amends in my own personal life. This is how I grow. This is how I learn and teach.

A wise person learns from what happened to others…. A F00l can’t even learn from what happened to them.

Here are a few take aways…. Please keep an open mind:

If you are a public figure, especially pastors, and you have children outside with another woman, please don’t treat them badly. That child will SURELY grow up to lead the biggest rebellion against your name.

Ajoke Joshua, the alleged daughter of TB Joshua from another woman is the major force behind this documentary. I can ignore Bisola Johnson who has cashed out big time over the years with her story with TB Joshua.

She has also been called out by a sister , Folashade Grace for claiming charity pictures of another organisation as hers for the purpose of raising funds from the public. Bisola messed herself up and hence I don’t take her seriously.

But how can you ignore Ajoke Joshua? I couldn’t ignore the pain of Ajoke.

There are a lot of pastors in Nigeria who have children outside wedlock and they are doing everything to distance themselves from these Innocent children.

I tell you this day, that child you rejected will be your major downfall. There are a lot of homeless children suffering in the streets whose fathers are multimillionaires masquerading as philanthropists in public.

If you are one of those philanthropists who ignore his own bl00d, the universe will never forgive you for living in Wealth while your child, your own blood lives in abject poverty.

If you are a man and you have a child outside wedlock which your wife doesn’t know about, get in touch with me, I’ll help you fix it. Don’t wait until you die – you will end up leaving behind a broken legacy of hate.

If you can’t Zip up, don’t S£X down…
Make this a principle. Don’t ever sleep with people you control. Stop plucking easy fruits. Zip up or S£X Up.

There’s a girl on that documentary called Sihle. She claims she slept with TB Joshua. She also claimed she slept with the biggest king in South Africa.

She once claimed she slept with one Prophet Banda from Zambia. She cried a river about her relationship with Banda. She claimed she slept with several prophets – probably hundreds of them.

When I saw her on that documentary, I was turned off. I was like – why would someone as respected as TB Joshua even allow such woman to come close to him? Again, I told myself “Charles, if you can’t Zip up, at least s£x up”.

Even if a scandal hits the public about s£x, let it be with Cuppy or Genevieve Nnaji. That’s one good thing about Apostle Johnson Suleiman. I love him for his Intentionality when it comes to the scandals around him. Only Big names gets involved in his scandals lol. Na that kind scandal I want too – make Cuppy and Genevieve Nnaji scandalize me jare 😂.

Lastly, Just live honestly and vulnerably….
Don’t claim to be what you are not. You are a human being. All humans are fallible. We get h0rny. Whether you are a Pastor or atheist, you are S£xual. This is what makes us Humans. Accept your humanity. Don’t act like assistant Jesus in public. Just be real. Keep it real. That’s the biggest power and influence that some of us have. We are real.

What you see is what you get. This also helps us to become CAREFUL with how we relate with people around us knowing that we are not superhumans.

Even as a pastor, I used to tell the sisters around me not to become so free that they forget that the man of God is still a man. I never pretended to be superhuman. No. That’s integrity. Integrity means honesty about your humanity.

In this social media generation, you can become very popular overnight. So this lesson is for you too. As you climb higher in your social influence, become more intentional with your sexuality.

90% of that documentary was just about a man’s hidden sexuality – and it has damaged whatever good work he ever did in his lifetime to a great extent.

Be intentional….

My name is Charles Awuzie and remember, I am only advising myself and my Mentees. If you are not in this audience, stay away from this post. No sentiments – just a community learning from another scandal.

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